Aisha Jandosova and I printed these using Riso@Home on a laser printer and are offering copies for $5-10 (pay what you can) each in either Spanish or English, purchase by Venmo to @unterbahn; all proceeds go to Taller Leñateros.
In our Voces Mayores art-making and storytelling workshops, Aisha Jandosova and I were inspired by their work to preserve & expand indigenous literature and voices by “publishing the first books written, illustrated, printed, and bound by the Maya community in over 400 years.”
In January 2021, we spent time making and reading these zines on Zoom with seniors in the Foster Grandparents program in the Providence area, where we delivered art-making kits!
Jeffrey Yoo Warren is an artist, community scientist, illustrator, and researcher in Providence, Rhode Island.